Brief CV


The Ohio State University, PhD Astronomy Expected 2025
The Ohio State University, M.S. Astronomy 2022
The University of Texas at Austin, M.A. Astronomy 2019
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock, B.S. Physics 2015

Honors & Awards

American Association of University Women American Dissertation Fellowship 2024
Annie Maunder Medeal for Outreach to Black In Astro team 2023
Kavli Fellow 2023
Beth Brown Memorial Award for Best Oral Presentation - NSBP/AAS 2022
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship – Honorable Mention 2022
Sigma Xi Grant-In-Aid of Research 2022
AAS FAMOUS Travel Grant 2022
NASA's ExoExplorer Program 2021
LSSTC Data Science Fellowship 2018-2021
Dean's Strategic Fellowship 2016

Outreach and Service

Black In Astro Vice-President 2019-Present
Graduate Student Representative for Astronomy Diversity Committee 2019-2023